Todd Hixenbaugh

Hi there, I'm Todd, the Kids Ministry Director at Community Church. My primary focus is managing all of our children's programming, from Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings to Tuesday afternoons at Coventry Elementary, where we run an after-school Bible Club. I'm responsible for staffing these activities with volunteers, recruiting new ones, and training them. Besides this, I oversee all children's ministry events, such as Vacation Bible School and Trunk or Treat.

People often ask me what I do; well, I spend a ton of my week working with grown-ups to help families and kids grow in their relationship with Jesus. This includes lots of admin work and meetings with volunteers to support them in their roles. On Sundays, I've started telling stories during the 9:15 service, which I really enjoy because it allows me to connect more directly with our young attendees.

Aside from my role with the kids, I also lead our College Ministry, which is kind of my "side gig." I host gatherings on Tuesday nights at my house, where 18 to 25-year-olds come over for Bible study and other fun activities. It's a lively night, and I'm sure my neighbors must think there's a party every week! I also meet with them one-on-one, often over coffee, to discuss life and faith.

A couple of years ago, I joined Community Church after being persuaded by Bob White, though I initially resisted the idea. It's funny how things work out, because now I can't imagine being anywhere else. Joe and I had many mutual friends, which made this community feel like home right from the start.

I'm married to Kelly, and we have a spirited dog named Arlo. I grew up in Stone Creek, a small town known for its love of hot sauce, something that seems to surprise folks up here.

My passion is to see families and kids grow in their faith. This calling started when I was just 18 or 19, realizing through my internship at my home church the profound need for kids and families to know Jesus. I've been pursuing this mission for 13 years now, constantly learning the best ways to disciple our next generations.

Outside of church, I'm deeply involved in podcasting, a hobby I picked up with a friend who felt we were becoming too wrapped up in church life. I've since learned the ins and outs of podcasting and have even launched a few of my own. It’s a great outlet for me to discuss discipleship and connect with others over shared interests.

If you're curious about engaging with scripture or spiritual practices, I'd recommend starting with "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth," a fantastic book for understanding biblical interpretation. Another resource I find invaluable is "Celebration of Discipline," which explores spiritual disciplines that deepen our relationship with God.

I believe in the joy and fulfillment that comes from serving and learning together, and I invite anyone interested to volunteer with us. It's a rewarding and fun experience that I promise you won't regret. Join us at Community Church to make a difference and grow in your own faith journey!

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