You're Invited 🎉
It's an honor that you would consider becoming part of our community!
Our goal is to know Christ, His life-changing power, and to make Him known
What if I have kids?
What if I have kids?
We have fantastic programs designed for kids of all ages! From kids church to community groups, there's a space designed specifically for their age group to grow their faith.
Kids@Community (Birth - 5th Grade)
This is where the children of our church find community and discipleship. That means that on Wednesdays and Sundays, kids will enjoy fun activities with adults that care about them and want them to learn more about God and His Word. Wednesday Nights at Kids Club, children have a mid-week opportunity to explore God in a way that is much less formal, but high energy and fun! Sunday Mornings we have Sunday School teachers ready to love your kids and partner with you to help you shepherd your children in their faith.
Learn more about Kids@Community here
Students@Community (6-12th Grade)
Our students ministry is for middle schoolers and high schoolers.
Are the services different?
Are the services different?
The worship styles are different, but everything else, including the message, is basically the same.
Sundays 9:15am
This service includes a 'blended traditional' style of worship. Our choir and praise team lead us in singing hymns as well as more upbeat, modern worship.

Sundays 11am
Featuring drums and electric guitar, in this service our praise band leads us in singing contemporary worship songs.

What do you believe?
What do you believe?
In short, we believe that Jesus Christ is God and He came to earth to die, forgive our sins, and restore our relationship with Him. The Bible is God's word that He gave us so that we can learn about Him and how we can live a better life.
To know Christ, His life changing power, and to make Him known.
That's our mission. We want to know who Jesus is, His character, what He likes and what He doesn't. We want to experience His desire for our lives. He promises to restore us and to redeem us. Then we want to share all of that with others.
What should I do next?️
What should I do next?️
We're so glad you've connected with us! God desires for us to have deep, meaningful relationships with Himself and with other believers. If you're ready to pursue those relationships, here's what you can do:
Come visit us in-person
If you have only connected with us online through our livestream, that's awesome! We're glad you're here. But virtual connections can only go so far. We'd love to meet you, shake your hand, and maybe go to an event together.
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 or 11am at 3260 Cormany Rd, Coventry Twp, Ohio
(pro tip: let us know you're coming and we'll be on the look our for you and make sure to show you around)
Get Baptized
If you just recently decided to follow Jesus, woohoo! 🥳 Congratulations! 🎊 Let's celebrate! The main way God tells us commemorate this new life-change is by being baptized, which is where we share a bit of your testimony then our pastor dunks you in water (it's less intimidating than it sounds, we promise! You can watch some of them here)
Contact us and let us know you're interested in being baptized
Join a community group
If you've only attended a worship service, community groups are where real community happens. They're much smaller groups of people where we connect with one another, have fun, share each other's burdens, pray for each other, and study God's Word.
Many of our groups meet on Sunday mornings, so you could attend a group before or after the worship service. However we also have many groups that meet during the week. Most groups are geared towards a specific gender, age, or stage of life, so you can find a group of people in a similar situation as yourself.